jiffy mart disc

Henryetta and area residents are now counting up the thousands of dollars in damage after a powerful storm hammered the area for nearly 30 minutes Saturday.
Torrential rain along with hailstones, some the size of tennis and softballs, slammed into buildings, trees and cars. Windshields and windows were pulverized and rooftops showing damage ranging form snapped shingles to actual holes in roofs. The storm started with a loud display of cloud to ground lightning then quickly evolved into heavy rain mixed with hail. Within minutes the hail covered the ground giving the appearance of a winter storm. Lower areas filled with water making driving hazardous. Over two inches of rain fell within a matter of minutes as wind sent branches and even some trees to the ground. Electricity service was cut off for nearly an hour to some 500 customers on the west side of Henryetta. 
