A new knight is standing guard at Henryetta schools.
sir henryDubbed, “Sir Henry” by its donor, the seven-foot mascot was presented to the middle and high school student bodies by Chelsea Cook Thursday morning.
Cook, a graduate of HHS some 60 years ago, said he found the metal knight while shopping in Tulsa recently.
“I saw the knight and I told the manager, I have to have that. The Henryetta students need that.”
The purchase was made and the Knight brought center stage at the high school auditorium in an assembly combining both the middle and high school students.
Cook told the students they can be proud, “to be a knight because everybody agreed on it,” relating the unanimous student vote changing the mascot in 1989.
He urged the students to follow the creed that knights of old lived by. “A true knight will defend those who cannot defend themselves,”
Accepting Sir Henry on behalf of the students were were Mallory Snyder and Shelby Bullard.