Saturday was the first day of October and the perfect fall weather had Henryetta area residents out in force.
spaghetti1In addition to a number of yard and garage sales throughout the area, food was also being dished up to sate every appetite.
The St. Michael's Altar Society fall spaghetti dinner brought out over 100 people with plates heaping with pasta and savory sauce.
At the Henryetta Masonic Lodge, barbecue was tops on the menu. The fundraiser at the new lodge facility on East Trudgeon included ticket sales for a .22 caliber rifle that will be given away later this month. The lodge hall will be the site for a hunter's safety course next Saturday. Open to everyone 10 and over, participants need to register at 8 a.m. and classes start at 9. To save a spot, call 918-652-7634.
Saturday was day two of the annual Oklahoma State Gospel Singing Convention.
Held at the Henryetta civic center, the annual affair saw nearly 200 people in town from throughout Oklahoma as well as neighboring states.
Saturday night was the Henryetta Nazarene Church-backed barbecue and entertainment at the Jim and Rhnea Stoy home south of town. The fundraiser was held to help raise money for a November food distribution for area families. The goal this year is $20,000, double that raised a year ago. Food will be brought in from Feed The Children out of Oklahoma City and distributed to area needy families at Thanksgiving.
Over 100 people attended that pasture party that featured live music as well as games and a live and silent auction.