IMG 9446There was baseball action Saturday afternoon as a fundraising effort was held in Henryetta.
Current and former baseball players were on hand to help raise money for the William and Robin George family. Their son, Nathan, is undergoing treatment for Burkitts Lymphoma. He is a member of the HHS baseball team as well as Knights football.
Several of the players were sporting Team Nathan t-shirts and participated in a home run derby and baseball game.
That game featured the grads from the HHS even years playing those who received their diplomas in the odd years.
After braving the over 100-degree heat index, the odd year alumns were the 5-4 winners.
Former 1970s Hen all-star Johnny Truesdale was named the MVP for the baseball game. 
The winner of the home run contest was D.J. Jones who slammed several hits over the fence and into Coal Creek.




