jiffy mart disc
Area school district voters can start casting their ballots Thursday as early voting gets underway for the annual school election. Okmulgee County Election Board Secretary Ashley Carnes said the early voting will be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday at the election board office in the court house.
Polling places will be open throughout the county Tuesday, Feb. 14 starting at 7 a.m.
Henryetta voters will be casting ballots for school board candidates James Williams, Casey Jones, David Bullard and Gary Clason. Jones and Williams are currently members of the Henryetta board.
Carnes said sample ballots are available at her office or on the Oklahoma State Election Board’s website: www.elections.ok.gov.
She reminded voters that they must show proof of identity before they will receive a ballot. That can be either a voter identification card, valid photo ID or sign an affidavit at the precinct and vote a provisional ballot. “If the information on the affidavit matches official voter registration records, the ballot will be counted after election day,” she said.
She reminded candidates and their campaigners electioneering is not allowed within 300 feet of a ballot box.