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Area residents are being invited to attend an informational meeting on a 2023 trip to the Holy Land.
Sponsored by First National Bank and First Priority Club, the tour will include Israel and Jordan with stops at many of the Christian holy sites.
Priority Club organizer Sheri Freeman said the meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 15 at 6:30 at the First Baptist Church, 311 W 5th, in Okmulgee.
“This trip is open to guests of all denominations and faiths, also to customers and non-customers of First National Bank,” Freeman said. She posted out flyers will be available and anyone attending the meeting will not be under any obligation to make the trip.
Highlights of the trip include visits to Caesarea, Nazareth, Cana, Tiberius, Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Golan Heights, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Western Wall, Mount of Olives, Mount Zion, and the Garden Tomb.
A representative from Collette Travel will be on hand to answer questions. Freeman can be reached at: 918-758-2463.