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Attention all Henryetta Fighting Hens and Henryetta Knight alumni:
This is addressed to “Thehenryettan” editor and alumni of Henryetta Schools and more so the alumni of the Henryetta high school band. The Knight Brigade has a long history of participating in large parade events. The Tournaments of Roses Parade, John F. Kennedy inauguration parade, Cherry Blossom Parade, Pro Football Hall of Fame Parade for Troy Aikman, 2013 and 2019 National Memorial Day Parade in Washington D.C., just to name a few.
knight brigade logoOur current adventure is a return trip to the 2025 National Memorial Day Parade. We first attended this prestigious event in May 2013 and presented the Pride of Henryetta to over 300,000 spectators. Those trips were funded through private donations and this is no exception. It is a large amount of money and we need your help and support. Without your previous accomplishments, we would not have the tradition we now enjoy. I am asking all of the Henryetta Hens and the Henryetta Knights alumni, whether you were a band student or not, “We’re all Knights or Hens”, to help us continue that tradition of showcasing the Pride of Henryetta.
Please donate what you can to help us. The standard of excellence and “Quest for the Best” is a high standard that we are trying to maintain. With your financial help we will be able to keep this tradition of participating in large national events alive.
No matter what activity you were a member of in Henryetta, we’re all Knights and Hens. Help spread the word to all alumni you can and thank you.
Any amount you can give is appreciated. We are in the process of building our band and it is events like this that makes the Henryetta Knight Brigade a positive aspect of Henryetta high school. All donors will receive recognition at our spring concert a couple of weeks before we make the journey to Washington. Remember, your donations are tax-deductible.
Checks can be made out to the Henryetta Band Boosters (DC Trip donation memo) and sent to Henryetta Public School, 1800 Troy Aikman Dr., Henryetta Ok., 74437
Alan Montgomery
Henryetta Knight Brigade
Band Director


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