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This is the season that people start decorating their yards to correspond with the season. Whether it is halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, the homes around Henryetta start taking on some great appearances.
Judging is now underway for the best looking yard for October.
The monthly Yard of the Month contest is open to any home within the town. Nominations can be made by friends, neighbors or even the homeowner that does the decorations.
Those nominations will be accepted until the 20th day of the month and should be mailed to P.O. Box 170. The nomination forms can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or dropped of at First Family Federal Credit Union, the Henryetta Chamber office.
Judging will be conducted by members of the Yard of the Month Committee. Only the front yard will be scored for the competition. October through December nominees will be considered for that month’s holiday decorations.
“We are looking for yards that are well-groomed, attractive and have enriched the quality of life in their neighborhoods,” said yard of the month chair Staci Allover.
Download a nomination form here: {phocadownload view=file|id=10|target=s}