jiffy mart disc
New Henryetta city council members Shannon Scott and Christy Jeffcoat made their first full meeting Tuesday night. Absent was councilman Henry Koelzer.
Recreational activities made up the bulk of the agenda with discussion ranging from permitting ATV use at Nichols park to tennis courts, disc golf and park rehabilitation work.
The council approved the off-road vehicle use at Nichols Park following a discussion with members of the Henryetta Riding Club.

Related story and video here.

The council approved the contracts for fences, lighting and a new backstop at the tennis court.
City manager Ted Graham brought the two new council members up to date on the project. He said the Tennis Association is getting assistance from the Henryetta Economic Development Authority in payments for part of that project.
Graham told the council the association has raised over $170,000 toward the project. The city owns the property as well as a lot south of the tennis courts. Monday and Tuesday city crews were busy cleaning off that lot. That involved removal of a tree as well as other debris and concrete.
Some of the fence has been removed and that work must be completed before the lighting can be installed. He said the company involved in pouring the concrete wanted the fence put in place first.
Graham said the city has an extensive tennis history and is on track to have another state championship.
The two projects fall below the competitive bidding process. Council members approved $19,147 for fencing and $25,559 for lighting.
He said the Tennis Association and city will partner in removing trees from the area to prevent leaves from getting on the court.

Related story here

Testing on water at Nichols Lake is being done to make sure there is no problems with blue-green algae and E Coli.
Plans are in the works for a June 13 music concert at the park. Graham said the Crazy Snake Festival is expected to feature Charlie Robinson as the main entertainment.
City workers have been adding washed sand to the beach area as well as adding two volleyball courts.
"Our goal is to open the swim park to the public then look toward refurbishing the bath house." He said if the city installs floating play equipment at the lake, there would be a charge for people at that time.
Other work has included cleaning up the spillway with Graham, his wife and family as well as Jody Agee, Tristan Dimmett and Angel Ellis and family helping.
The founder of the disc golf course, Joshua Craig presented the council with an outline of the course and gave a history of work accomplished as well as how well the facility has been received.

Related story and video here

Jim Hall lake has not been left out of the work. Graham said there has been work cleaning up existing campgrounds and establishing a sand volleyball court there.
He went on to say volunteers have made a big difference. "We have volunteers helping at McCutcheon Park." that area will see a 50-foot circle splash pad installed which will be "Entertainment for everyone."
The council approved a maintenance agreement with the Okmulgee County Conservation District for the Shurden-Leist  Industrial park.
Graham said efforts are underway to get a new medical facility located there.
He has met with officials from EPA and ODEQ about the area and discovered that there is an eight acre area where the hazardous waste has been dumped. It has a three-foot clay cap with two more feet of soil over it. That area cannon be built on but will remain as a natural green area. "The erst of the area has a one foot cap over it. That gives us a 128 acre business development area that will have deed restrictions.
"We need to dispel the rumors about the area. It is not a toxic waste dump," he stressed.
In other business, the council approved the reappointment of Jill Francis and Keith Estes to the planning and zoning board, Marilyn Althaus and Aaron Martin to the board of adjustments and allowed Jerry Sumka to withdraw his pension benefits in a lump sum.

See the full video of the city council meeting here