jiffy mart disc

carrie mareckTwo decades of service to the community at the Henryetta First Family Federal Credit Union is being recognized.
Carrie Marek is celebrating her 20th anniversary with the financial institution April 1.
"We are pleased to honor Carrie who came to First Family April 1, 1994 as a teller," said CEO David Dykes.
During her tenure with FFFCU, Carrie has served as Teller, Accounting Assistant and Chief Financial Officer. 
In her current role, she serves as First Family Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, a member of the FFFCU Management Team and supervises the accounting department.
Marek said she intends to work at First Family until her retirement (a few years down the road). She said,
‚ÄúI enjoy working at the credit union and appreciate the great staff.  "The credit union is constantly changing due to new technology and the changing economy," she said. "I have learned so much and continue to learn new things every day.  I am excited about my future with First Family."