jiffy mart disc
The mournful sound of Taps echoed across Westlawn Cemetery at dusk Monday.
Dewar high school band director David Jobes stood in the middle of the rain-soaked veterans' section and played the 24 notes that are synonymous with Memorial Day.
Jobes is part of Bugles Across America, a national organization that strives to replace recordings with a live bugler. The organization was founded in 2000 by Tom Day. He was acting after Congress passed legislation stating veterans have a right to have at least two uniformed military people to fold the flag and play Taps on a CD player.

"Bugles Across America was founded to take this a step further," Day said. "In recognition of the service these Veterans have provided to their country, we felt that they each deserve a live rendition of Taps played by a live bugler. To this end, we are actively seeking capable volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families."
There are over 5,500 volunteers who make it their mission to be those live buglers.
To request a bugler at a funeral or to become a volunteer, go to Bugles Across America website here.