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Experience gained from working with Henryetta high school students and years of performing on stage is serving Liz Bealko well.
The HHS graduate is anxiously waiting for next week when she makes her directorial debut on a New York stage.Liz Bealko
Bealko has been busy this past summer and early fall directing, “The Art of Peaking Too Soon.” It is going to open Nov. 11 for a three-performance run as part of the New York Theatre Festival.
As if directing her first play before a New York audience wasn’t stressful enough, Bealko said he has had to contend with the restrictions and closures due to the COVID pandemic.
She said casting the 11-character play required virtual auditions then holding rehearsals in different locations. “We are not allowed to go into the theatre until the day it opens. That, coupled with designing the sets, organizing the lighting and sound work, has been a challenge.”
TheArtof Reh1One last snag came when the lead actor was tested positive for COVID after weeks of rehearsals. “I got the call at 10:30 at night. He showed no symptoms but New York requires him to be quarantined. This meant I had to recast the part.”
Bealko said being the director has meant working closely with the actors as well as coordinating efforts for all other aspects. “I have a production team that includes a set designer, sound designer and two composers. This has been a wonderful experience working with professional actors.”
The work started with the auditions that brought in over 500 actors each seeking the part. They performed for 90 seconds then Bealko poured over each resume. “Many times an actor auditions then never hears back unless they are chosen,” she said. “I sent each one a letter thanking them for their time and talent. It is respectful and makes rejection a little easier.”
She described the play as one that takes a critical eye to the social dilemmas felt by today’s adolescents. Themes of self-discovery, sexual identity, and climate chaos make this 90 minute drama an earnest coming of age story - one that we’ve all experienced before.”
The actor-turned-director said she is ready for more plays to be opening in New York. “Since the pandemic we have felt empty and soulless. Now there is so much joy and love around each opening performance.”
As part of the annual winter festival, “The Art of Peaking Too Soon.” Will be up for the possibility of wining awards for best play and director in January.
“We hope that investors will see the play and carry it on to a bigger venue.”TheArtof Reh5
The opening is at the Teatro Latea theatre in the lower east side of Manhattan. It is one of a number of smaller theaters that can be found throughout that area.
Bealko said anyone wanting to know more about the New York Theatre Festival and “The Art of Peaking Too Soon.” Can go to the Festival website at: https://newyorktheaterfestival.com/the-art-of-peaking-too-soon/.
“I have been wanting this since I was six years old,” she said. Bealko praised the start she received through the Henryetta high school arts. “I would no be who or where I am if that program didn’t exist. “I found myself by working in those plays.”