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A bill restoring hire/fire abilities and oversight of state tourism contracts and expenses is being considered.
tourismSenate Bill 11X authored by Senate Appropriations Chair Roger Thompson, R-Okemah won approval in that body and is now being considered in the House of Representatives.
SB 11X has been written following the problems surrounding questionable expenditures and contracts with Swadley’s Foggy Bottom Kitchen.
In 2018 legislation was passed transferring most of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission powers to the executive director and made the commission an advisory panel only.
“I’ve been concerned about this since the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) report raising questions about some $16 million in taxpayer funds,” Thompson said. “That same report recommended the restoration of oversight powers previously assigned to the Tourism Commission. I want to stress, this is not about personalities, this is about policy that will provide a critical check and balance in how taxpayer dollars are used.”
Under the new bill the commission members appointed by the governor and subject to Senate confirmation, would have the ability to appoint the executive director and set their salary, and could only be removed by the governor with cause. The board would also have oversight of contracts.
Thompson praised the current executive director of tourism, Shelley Zumwalt, who has been working since being appointed last fall to address concerns raised in the LOFT report.
“I have the greatest respect for Shelley and complete confidence in her abilities and those of her team,” Thompson said. “These guardrails will ensure their dedication to transparency and accountability will continue in the years and decades to come. This is simply good public policy.”
The measure, approved in the concurrent special session, now moves to the House of Representatives.