jiffy mart disc

This Sunday a special anniversary is going to be celebrated.doughboy tn
It was Nov. 26, 1923 when the Doughboy statue was taken from the train and became a part of Henryetta history.
That statue, one of about 145 across the United States, occupied the center of the street at Fourth and Main until 1968 when the highway department had it moved.
Now at the corner of the library, the statue is going to be the center of attention again as that centennial observance of its arrival is noted.
The Henryetta Historical Society is marking the occasion with a celebration on the library steps starting at 2 p.m.
According to society member Marcus Whitworth, everyone is invited to attend and be a part of the celebration.
An extensive history behind the statue in Henryetta and its arrival can be found on Thehenryettan.com.

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The Arrival of Thehenryetta Doughboy